Museum Education for Primary Schools
Bold men and women, large and small ships in distress, surfers and beachgoers in need of assistance. The dangers and weather at sea, lakes, and inland waters. These are just a few aspects of the theme of Lifeboat Services.

School Program Lifeboat Services
The theme captures the imagination of both young and old. It is an important subject, especially for children living close to water. Many coastal towns and villages around water bodies have their own rescue brigades or KNRM stations. There is often a special connection to lifeboat services: the stories of former rescuers are part of this. It's a wonderful theme to explore in schools, precisely because of its comprehensive nature.

Lesson Packages
Interested in addressing this theme in class or adopting it as a school theme? The National Rescue Museum offers various educational programs tailored to different school groups. These programs are aligned with existing subjects such as Dutch, mathematics, physical education, and social studies. Many core objectives of the SLO (National Institute for Curriculum Development) are met through these programs.
Cost of lesson package: free
Full Steam Subscription
This subscription offers various options tailored to primary school groups.
- Whole school
- Lower grades (group 1 to 4)
- Upper grades (group 5 to 8)
Arie Visser Class Module
- Each group receives a program either at the museum or in the classroom with objects. The exact content of the program is discussed with the respective teacher. Topics can vary and include clothing, communication, water, heroes, and much more.
- Three weeks access to Helderse Helden (traveling exhibition for the entire school).
- Cost: 3 euros per student
Nicolaas Class Module
- Each group receives a program either at the museum or in the classroom with objects. The exact content of the program is discussed with the respective teacher. Topics can vary and include clothing, communication, water, heroes, and much more.
- Three weeks access to Helderse Helden (traveling exhibition for the entire school).
- Cost: 4 euros per student
With the Nicolaas class, brainstorming, advising, and support are included in the package.
Johannes Frederik Class Module
- Each group receives a program either at the museum or in the classroom with objects. The exact content of the program is discussed with the respective teacher. Topics can vary and include clothing, communication, water, heroes, and much more.
- Three weeks access to Helderse Helden (traveling exhibition for the entire school).
- Boat trip on Johan de Witt (from April to October).
- Cost: 6 euros per student
For Nicolaas Class Module and Johannes Frederik Class Module, we offer advisory roles in:
- Content of projects, lessons, and themes
- Potential collaborations with other cultural institutions
- Loaning objects from the collection for decoration
Museum in the Classroom
Bring the National Rescue Museum into your classroom! Our museum educator visits and shares everything about lifeboat services, the collection, and stories from the past. They even bring along some highlights for a close-up viewing, allowing children to touch certain objects with special gloves. How exciting is that! Our museum educator tailors the story to fit the school's curriculum. A unique experience for children and their teacher.
Cost: € 54.50 per hour

Helderse Heroes

Lifeboat services have many heroes, including those from Den Helder. Some are prominently featured, while others remain in the background. But who are these Helderse heroes? The National Rescue Museum offers a special traveling exhibition 'Helderse Heroes'.
Primary schools can borrow this exhibition and have it displayed at school. The exhibition includes a suitable lesson package, particularly suitable for grades 6 to 8. The museum brings the exhibition to schools and retrieves it afterward.
More Information
Interested in museum education at school? For more information, please contact our education officer via